10.13. Equation Solving

CubicFormula (p)

Compute roots of a cubic (degree 3) polynomial using the cubic formula. The polynomial should be given as a vector of coefficients. That is 4*x^3 + 2*x + 1 corresponds to the vector [1,2,0,4].

Note that due to limitations of the current implementation, only polynomials with real coefficients are supported.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

EulerMethod (f,x0,y0,x1,n)

Use classical Euler's method to numerically solve y'=f(x,y) for initial x0, y0 going to x1 with n increments, returns y at x1.

See Mathworld for more information.

FindRootBisection (f,a,b,TOL,N)

Find root of a function using the bisection method

FindRootFalsePosition (f,a,b,TOL,N)

Find root of a function using the method of false position

FindRootMullersMethod (f,x1,x2,x3,TOL,N)

Find root of a function using the Muller's method

FindRootSecant (f,a,b,TOL,N)

Find root of a function using the secant method

PolynomialRoots (p)

Compute roots of a polynomial (degrees 1 through 3 currently) using one of the formulas for such polynomials. The polynomial should be given as a vector of coefficients. That is 4*x^3 + 2*x + 1 corresponds to the vector [1,2,0,4].

The function calls QuadraticFormula and CubicFormula.

QuadraticFormula (p)

Compute roots of a quadratic (degree 2) polynomial using the quadratic formula. The polynomial should be given as a vector of coefficients. That is 3*x^2 + 2*x + 1 corresponds to the vector [1,2,3].

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

RungeKutta (f,x0,y0,x1,n)

Use classical non-adaptive Runge-Kutta method to numerically solve y'=f(x,y) for initial x0, y0 going to x1 with n increments, returns y at x1.

See Mathworld for more information.