Number Theory

AreRelativelyPrime (a,b)

Are the real integers a and b relatively prime? Returns true or false.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

BernoulliNumber (n)

Return the nth Bernoulli number.

See Wikipedia or Mathworld for more information.

ChineseRemainder (a,m)

Aliases: CRT

Find the x that solves the system given by the vector a and modulo the elements of m, using the Chinese Remainder Theorem.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

CombineFactorizations (a,b)

Given two factorizations, give the factorization of the product.

See Factorize.

ConvertFromBase (v,b)

Convert a vector of values indicating powers of b to a number.

ConvertToBase (n,b)

Convert a number to a vector of powers for elements in base b.

DiscreteLog (n,b,q)

Find discrete log of n base b in Fq, the finite field of order q, where q is a prime, using the Silver-Pohlig-Hellman algorithm.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

Divides (m,n)

Checks divisibility (if m divides n).

EulerPhi (n)

Compute the Euler phi function for n, that is the number of integers between 1 and n relatively prime to n.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

ExactDivision (n,d)

Return n/d but only if d divides n. If d does not divide n then this function returns garbage. This is a lot faster for very large numbers than the operation n/d, but of course only useful if you know that the division is exact.

Factorize (n)

Return factorization of a number as a matrix. The first row is the primes in the factorization (including 1) and the second row are the powers. So for example:

genius> Factorize(11*11*13)
[1      11      13
 1      2       1]

See Wikipedia for more information.

Factors (n)

Return all factors of n in a vector. This includes all the non-prime factors as well. It includes 1 and the number itself. So for example to print all the perfect numbers (those that are sums of their factors) up to the number 1000 you could do (this is of course very inefficient)

for n=1 to 1000 do (
    if MatrixSum (Factors(n)) == 2*n then

FermatFactorization (n,tries)

Attempt Fermat factorization of n into (t-s)*(t+s), returns t and s as a vector if possible, null otherwise. tries specifies the number of tries before giving up.

This is a fairly good factorization if your number is the product of two factors that are very close to each other.

See Wikipedia for more information.

FindPrimitiveElementMod (q)

Find the first primitive element in Fq, the finite group of order q. Of course q must be a prime.

FindRandomPrimitiveElementMod (q)

Find a random primitive element in Fq, the finite group of order q (q must be a prime).

IndexCalculus (n,b,q,S)

Compute discrete log base b of n in Fq, the finite group of order q (q a prime), using the factor base S. S should be a column of primes possibly with second column precalculated by IndexCalculusPrecalculation.

IndexCalculusPrecalculation (b,q,S)

Run the precalculation step of IndexCalculus for logarithms base b in Fq, the finite group of order q (q a prime), for the factor base S (where S is a column vector of primes). The logs will be precalculated and returned in the second column.

IsEven (n)

Tests if an integer is even.

IsMersennePrimeExponent (p)

Tests if a positive integer p is a Mersenne prime exponent. That is if 2p-1 is a prime. It does this by looking it up in a table of known values which is relatively short. See also MersennePrimeExponents and LucasLehmer.

See Wikipedia, Planetmath, Mathworld or GIMPS for more information.

IsNthPower (m,n)

Tests if a rational number m is a perfect nth power. See also IsPerfectPower and IsPerfectSquare.

IsOdd (n)

Tests if an integer is odd.

IsPerfectPower (n)

Check an integer is any perfect power, ab.

IsPerfectSquare (n)

Check an integer for being a perfect square of an integer. The number must be a real integer. Negative integers are of course never perfect squares of real integers.

IsPrime (n)

Tests primality of integers, for numbers less than 2.5e10 the answer is deterministic (if Riemann hypothesis is true). For numbers larger, the probability of a false positive depends on IsPrimeMillerRabinReps. That is the probability of false positive is 1/4 to the power IsPrimeMillerRabinReps. The default value of 22 yields a probability of about 5.7e-14.

If false is returned, you can be sure that the number is a composite. If you want to be absolutely sure that you have a prime you can use MillerRabinTestSure but it may take a lot longer.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

IsPrimitiveMod (g,q)

Check if g is primitive in Fq, the finite group of order q, where q is a prime. If q is not prime results are bogus.

IsPrimitiveModWithPrimeFactors (g,q,f)

Check if g is primitive in Fq, the finite group of order q, where q is a prime and f is a vector of prime factors of q-1. If q is not prime results are bogus.

IsPseudoprime (n,b)

If n is a pseudoprime base b but not a prime, that is if b^(n-1) == 1 mod n. This calls the PseudoprimeTest

IsStrongPseudoprime (n,b)

Test if n is a strong pseudoprime to base b but not a prime.

Jacobi (a,b)

Aliases: JacobiSymbol

Calculate the Jacobi symbol (a/b) (b should be odd).

JacobiKronecker (a,b)

Aliases: JacobiKroneckerSymbol

Calculate the Jacobi symbol (a/b) with the Kronecker extension (a/2)=(2/a) when a odd, or (a/2)=0 when a even.

LeastAbsoluteResidue (a,n)

Return the residue of a mod n with the least absolute value (in the interval -n/2 to n/2).

Legendre (a,p)

Aliases: LegendreSymbol

Calculate the Legendre symbol (a/p).

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

LucasLehmer (p)

Test if 2p-1 is a Mersenne prime using the Lucas-Lehmer test. See also MersennePrimeExponents and IsMersennePrimeExponent.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

LucasNumber (n)

Returns the nth Lucas number.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

MaximalPrimePowerFactors (n)

Return all maximal prime power factors of a number.


A vector of known Mersenne prime exponents, that is a list of positive integers p such that 2p-1 is a prime. See also IsMersennePrimeExponent and LucasLehmer.

See Wikipedia, Planetmath, Mathworld or GIMPS for more information.

MillerRabinTest (n,reps)

Use the Miller-Rabin primality test on n, reps number of times. The probability of false positive is (1/4)^reps. It is probably usually better to use IsPrime since that is faster and better on smaller integers.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

MillerRabinTestSure (n)

Use the Miller-Rabin primality test on n with enough bases that assuming the Generalized Reimann Hypothesis the result is deterministic.

See Wikipedia or Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

ModInvert (n,m)

Returns inverse of n mod m.

See Mathworld for more information.

MoebiusMu (n)

Return the Moebius mu function evaluated in n. That is, it returns 0 if n is not a product of distinct primes and (-1)^k if it is a product of k distinct primes.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

NextPrime (n)

Returns the least prime greater than n. Negatives of primes are considered prime and so to get the previous prime you can use -NextPrime(-n).

This function uses the GMP's mpz_nextprime which in turn uses the probabilistic Miller-Rabin test (See also MillerRabinTest). The probability of false positive is not tunable, but is low enough for all practical purposes.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

PadicValuation (n,p)

Returns the p-adic valuation (number of trailing zeros in base p).

See Planetmath for more information.

PowerMod (a,b,m)

Compute a^b mod m. The b's power of a modulo m. It is not neccessary to use this function as it is automatically used in modulo mode. Hence a^b mod m is just as fast.

Prime (n)

Aliases: prime

Return the nth prime (up to a limit).

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

PrimeFactors (n)

Return all prime factors of a number as a vector.

See Mathworld for more information.

PseudoprimeTest (n,b)

Pseudoprime test, returns true if and only if b^(n-1) == 1 mod n

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

RemoveFactor (n,m)

Removes all instances of the factor m from the number n. That is divides by the largest power of m, that divides n.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

SilverPohligHellmanWithFactorization (n,b,q,f)

Find discrete log of n base b in Fq, the finite group of order q, where q is a prime using the Silver-Pohlig-Hellman algorithm, given f being the factorization of q-1.

SqrtModPrime (n,p)

Find square root of n modulo p (where p is a prime). Null is returned if not a quadratic residue.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

StrongPseudoprimeTest (n,b)

Run the strong pseudoprime test base b on n.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

gcd (a,args...)

Aliases: GCD

Greatest common divisor of integers. You can enter as many integers in the argument list, or you can give a vector or a matrix of integers. If you give more than one matrix of the same size then GCD is done element by element.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.

lcm (a,args...)

Aliases: LCM

Least common multiplier of integers. You can enter as many integers in the argument list, or you can give a vector or a matrix of integers. If you give more than one matrix of the same size then LCM is done element by element.

See Planetmath or Mathworld for more information.