
- Feb 21 2000: The panel hacking spree continued until sunday when
I slacked off and did hardly anything except watch tv. Today I was in a
translating mood and mostly finished translation of gnome-core little bit
of gnome-applets, started glade and completely translated eog. Did some
work on the cln branch of dr genius as well.
- Feb 18 2000: Today I thought I'll work a bit on the panel then
perhaps do some dr genius coding and perhaps watch some tv or go out. However
it's 5am the 19th and I was hacking on the panel until now. Did a bunch of
stuff, such as the menus don't take up gobs of memory anymore and should also
load faster. We're really close to the 1.2 release now.
- Feb 12 2000: Today I didn't really do much in fact. Hacked
a little bit on the panel, gsearchtool, fish, and genius. I'm converting
the genius engine to CLN. That is a C++ library for numbers and I have
to use C++ to compile parts of genius now because of it. C++ is really
really really anal about some things such as void *, and it disallowes
a lot of stuff that is used in genius to achieve OOness of the engine.
I now really know why I don't like C++. But oh well, mpwrap sucks
and I don't have the time to make it not suck. So I have to use something
which works well. Also it seems CLN has it's own set of braindamages
such as I can't figure out how to convert to native types. I'm also really
not looking forward to figuring out the memory allocation stuff. Because
of the way genius works there will be some issues with
constructors/destructors being run, which will probably really mess up the
CLN GC. C++ is really thick in this regard and CLN unfortunately uses
that thickness to the fullest extent which is pretty bad.
- Feb 6 2000: Heh, I was still dating everything in 1999. Anyway
we have new drgenius release at the
Dr Genius web page. That is done with m4 and I'm quite impressed at how
nice that makes webpages, I may just start using that instead of ssi on this
site. Anyway, gob didn't get much progress, but both genius and panel got
some work on them. School started but it doesn't seem to demanding yet
anyway. Though I got 3 homeworks for tuesday and I haven't started yet,
but then again, I still got 1 more day. It's nice to have upper level classes
again instead of finishing up the damn requisites. It sometimes feels like
highschool. I think with the amount of math this semester I'll do more
work on genius. I'm definately motivated not to have to use proprietory
shit to get homework done and would much rather have free software to do it.
- Jan 28 2000: Not much happening here. Doing some
gnome-libs/gnome-core cleanups lately, and we have a freeze for the 1.2 panel
now, which is sort of cool, I guess we will have a real 1.2 pretty soon. We
still have to solve a couple of issues and make sure it's all stable. But it's
turning out fairly stable in fact. Some help-browser issues have been fixed,
but we're still not sure if we fixed "the big one". Anyway on GOB front I've
done some minor things and plan some more minor things, and I'm thinking to make
it 1.0 soon (after we get some .defs and gtk-doc support and some other small
improvements). On Dr.Genius front I've been hacking on and off on the new gel
interface but I've been fairly lazy about it, perhaps with the new semester coming
I'll have more incentive to work on it as I'll have a couple math classes again.
- Jan 12 2000: Heh, long time without an entry. Well a bunch of stuff
changed. Gob has been updated a bunch, started working on the new genius
interface, worked a bit on the panel so that we can freeze. I've done
absolutely nothing on gnop but this will change. I'm currently hacking the
gnome-ditem (the 2.0 version of dentry which is just WAAAAAY saner), the
original ditem implementation is pretty lacking.
- Dec 13 1999: Again found other bad things in gob so I had to
go fix them up, in process of which I yet again slightly changed the way
gob works with respect to privates, but only slightly. It now puts the
private structure inside a separate private include file. This makes the
private members easier to handle.
- Dec 12 1999: Woke up late and haven't done that much during
the morning. In the evening I started working on a preferences utility
library and realized I wanted more from gob, so I worked a bunch on gob,
then had to update dr-genius to work with the newest changes and then
release new gob. Anyway, the new thing is that private data members are
not accessible from outside. They're defined in a private structure that
is defined INSIDE the .c file. Advantage is that you can add as many
new private members without breaking binary compat, and that the members are
really private. Disadvantage is that the change itself breaks compatiblity,
now to access a private member foo, instead of object->foo you will
need to do object->_priv->foo
- Dec 4 1999: Well still quite lazy and not doing much. I've
decided to rework the genius engine into a library and use threads. This
will make Dr.Genius much more flexible. We've also decided that the
panel will get completely rewritten after gnome2.0 comes out. The code
name is vertigo, but we won't start on that for a while, untill the stuff
that we want to use in it is at least usable. In the evening I went to
a christmas party of my dad's company and went ice skating. I haven't been
ice skating since I was 8 or so I guess.
- Nov 30 1999: Hmmm, found out clahey is working on an equation
editor, so I stopped, at least temporairly, working on GEE. I'm getting
more serious about genius as there is potentially a real use of Dr.Genius
in education and thus in promotion of free software ideology to the kids.
Get'em while they're young I guess. Other then that the finals are getting
near and I'm getting sick of school.
- Nov 17 1999: Sort of a weird day, I dunno. Today it's 10 years
since the revolution in czech, but I doubt that has anything with the
weirdness. Anyway, in the evening I climbed onto the roof of our house to see
the Leonid meteorites, I saw about 5 or so and hopefully got some of them on
film. Other then that I started a new project called GEE (GNOME Equation
Editor). That will be an equation editor bonobo component and standalone
program. Something we've been missing in GNOME. It'll also be used in
Dr.Genius for entering or displaying of results and will be especially usefull
when we have symbolic algebra. And of course it uses GOB. (I released a new
version of GOB yesterday which actually solves the function aliases in a much
cooler way without the preprocessor)
- Nov 15 1999: I started working on saving code in Dr.Genius and then
started redoing the GEL editor mdi child in gob, then found bugs in gob, so I
fixed those, then went on to add some more gob features, then finished the
saving code, then fixed/added features to gob again, and suddenly it's 2 am.
So I made a new gob release as I fixed fairly nasty bugs and made some stuff
much saner.
- Nov 13 1999: I'm getting lazier and lazier with this, anyway,
I just released new GOB, this time it can be embeded in other projects
and it doesn't require popt anymore and has a bunch of fixes. Otherwise,
since the last entry a bunch of stuff has happened, for example I'm
working on ganimal which is a virtual pet kind of thing.
- Oct 23 1999: Saw fight club yesterday and it's not a bad
movie and I don't know what all the fuss was about since I saw much
more violent movies where the violence was completely sensless. in fight
club the violence that there is, IS a neccesary part of the story. Anyway
On other news, I'm working on dr-genius a bit more and Jacob made new
shiny development tarballs of 1.1 panel and applets.
- Oct 20 1999: today was mostly school again, but I did
do a bunch of panel stuff, including caching of the icons so that
we don't push the image data to the sever all the time, this makes
redrawing much faster, get ready for a tarball of 1.1 gnome-core
stuff, as we are ready to make a developer release for those more
advanterous, though I find the development panel quite stable.
- Oct 19 1999: Not that much new stuff, did a bit of
genius hacking, bit of adding stuff to my gnome tutorial, merging
some 1-0 stuff to head panel, and being generally lazy
- Oct 14 1999: A bunch of new stuff happened, especially
with the development panel, now it does anti aliased icons. Otherwise
October Gnome release is out (it's a 1.0 release but with all the
bugs fixed and a couple small new features)
- Oct 6 1999: I'm now working on making the panel global
config be a crapplet for the control center. It's going slower then
I thought, because I'm lazy
- Oct 4 1999: I actually added the motd mode yesterday after
writing the news bit. Anyway, today was mostly school, so all I did
was to make a couple more panel menus tear off. The next thing to hack
with the panel is to put the global panel properties into the gnome
- Oct 3 1999: In the past few days I finished the status dock
and made a nice new startup hints dialog. It can also display a fortune
if you don't care about hints. I'll prolly add a motd mode for it so that
sysadmins can use that. See a screenshot
- Sep 29 1999: I'm now working on the status dock of the panel
which is a win95/kde like docking thing (the small icons in the tray).
It's sort of implemented but it crashes when the panel quits and other
fun stuff like that. I hope to get that working right soon so I can
also do some genius work. As well as do more support of the tearoff
menus in the panel which I want to be able to save with the session
so you could keep them permanently on your desktop
- Sep 27 1999: My first class was canceled so I started hacking
on some genius stuff, then finished it when I got home, so now I have mixed
fraction format support (which is really cool for calculating with stock
prices:) and it can now output integers in different bases.
- Sep 26 1999: Yesterday we went fishing on an overnight sport
fishing trip on the ocean. I didn't like it as much as there is too much
action there, I'd prefer to not catch anything but have a tranquil
experience:). Anyway, on genius I pretty much have the engine working with
the exception of modular arithmetic which I'm still not sure how to get
working with the precalculation thing. Also I've got some preliminary
work to get a console up and running in the new Dr.Genius MDI. Also
I started working on a status applet for the panel, which will be
somewhat like the KDE docking thing or win95's docking. I also want to
add support for KDE docking so that we can get those apps working right
under GNOME. And the other way around, though KDE seems to be using
pure X to do this, while I wanna use a corba approach (more heavy weight,
but the corba libs are loaded already and it's just more flexible, for
example it makes it simpler to have it work with no panel, or with a
panel that restarts itself).
- Sep 23 1999: Work on the engine was going far slower then I
expected because I wasted a couple of days doing usless stuff. But it's
almost ready, just need to hunt down a couple of bugs with matrix
operations, implement modular arithmetic, internal function calling and
do an overall cleanup and it should be finished. Otherwise things sort of
suck. Today I was feeling like crap because of a cold and I stayed home,
but I prolly would have done more on genius had I gone to school as like
this I woke up at 12. But anyway I did do a whole bunch of work on the
engine today.
- Sep 15 1999: They actually want me to do stuff for school so
I have less time, but I'm really getting psyched about the new design
for genius's engine. It's turning out much nicer and cleaner then
I expected, though the work is still going slowly, but it seems it will
be much less bug prone, smaller and maybe even faster (though could be
slower for all I know at this point). It seems that keeping state around
with the recursive engine was much uglier then with an iterative one.
I guess I could be done with it, or at least get it working this weekend.
Then onto probably changing the insides to use CLN instead of mpwrap.c as
that will give us more functionality with probably a slight
performance/memory penalty. The only drawback is that CLN is C++ so I
will have to somehow get it integrated cleanly.
- Sep 14 1999: wow, lots of things have changed since last entry,
someone else is working on another achtung, so I abandoned mine, genius
merged with Dr.Geo to create Dr.Genius (well the merge is not yet actually
implemented in code:) and I'm rewriting the execution engine of genius to
be much better.
- August 30 1999: first day of school, and the first day since
I came back on which I did absolutely nothing useful, nada, zilch, not
a thing. but have no fear, I don't plan on that happening too often :)
I also seem to be falling behind in a lot of mailing lists, I think I'll
start ingoring a lot more stuff and just work on achtung and panel and
- August 18 1999: just got back yesterday, wow I missed out a lot
in the meantime actually. I committed all my work I did while off the net,
but today I didn't actually do much, except get a cool new panel UI idea,
release gob 0.0.3, and work a tiny bit on achtung. gob makes designing
while writing so much easier then writing GTK+ objects by hand.
- August 6 1999: maybe the last day on the net before I get
back to the US on the 17th, so I released 0.0.2 of GOB
- August 2 1999: lately I haven't done much, but there is a
new release of the math hacks if you're into that sort of stuff (not
much new there anyway)
- July 27 1999: Got back from vacation in croatia, it was nice
but lacked internet access and computers in general. Therefore, it could
have been better. Otherwise I put in a bit of work on genius, (I'm again
getting some megalomaniacal ideas about genius) Plus I plan to work on
achtung again as well (that is, rewrite the thing once more:) and since
jacob is working on the panel I'll put that on a back burner a bit.
- July 15 1999: I'll be gone for a week without email or computers.
If I'll survive, I'll be back next week ... I'll catch up on my reading I
- July 14 1999: For the past few weeks I did a couple of things,
one of them is gob, which creates GTK+ objects. Other then that I haven't
done as much, it'll get better when I get back to SD. Plus I'm planning
another trip around europe and stuff like that so I won't have that much
- July 1 1999: Just returned from Amsterodam and Paris where I
was the last week (my brain is still recovering from all that weed in
Amsterodam :) So I haven't done absolutely anything. But I got a couple
of new ideas about new things to do:). I've also made a release of genius
just before I went but haven't had the time to announce it.
- June 17 1999: If you are wondering why I've committed so little
code lately, it's because I got a bunch of things in a half brewed state
and I don't have that much time. Coming attractions are: better
moving code for the panel, anti-aliased icons and stuff using the canvas,
plugin support for genius, and a sort of cool visual programming widget
which I needed for work, but I'll GPL it. Plus there is a cool new panel
widget which will simplify everything and add some new panel types which
was not written by me, but it's still quite cool:)
- June 11 1999: Prague ... fun.... though very irregular net access,
I hope I survive :) Also not enough time for coding, so I finally figured out
why people that have a life don't code :) ... Though I doubt I will stay in
this state too long
- June 6 1999: tommorrow I'm leaving to Prague. I also didn't
really get much done on anything as I've been quite busy with other things
then gnome. Hmm, ... two months away from my alpha and hacking on the tiny
laptop keyboard. My wrists are gonna hate me. ALSO, I'll be reading much
less mail and replying much less (not that I've ever read and replied to
- May 31 1999: lots of fun stuff going on, I've been going out
more then usual lately, but strangely I've also been doing work. During
the time that I had left I worked on the panel a bit, doing the size stuff
and other things. Now that raster has left gnome for good, I inherited
gnome-pager maintainership so I feel a bit more compelled to make it
work (or rewrite the thing which might be the only humane thing to do
to it) ... also I've updated the APPLET_WRITING
- May 26 1999: I'm back from LE (for a couple of days already,
but I've been to lazy to update this page:) ... The pictures are
here. Released version 0.4.3 of genius. It's in
its usual place.
- May 12 1999: went to work, then went home and spent the next
couple of hours writing an essay for an english class. which took most of
the evening, then I did some slight genius hacking, email reading, flaming
one looser who just plain deserved flaming
- May 11 1999: I put up new version of the math hacks to
/pub/math ... the only change
is an added proggie to brute force test the birthday problem. Today I also
did a little bit of optimizing genius and fixing up the interactive mode
again, but now it's much better. I think the last release is "good enough"
for a short while, I hope for at least a week:) ... in other news, somebody
made a vim mode file for .gel files, this is great news, especially if you
want to do some gel coding
- May 10 1999: Today I was gonna do my slides for LE, but didn't get
to it. I did release 0.4.2 only to realize that it didn't reduce fractions
always (not a critical bug, but annoying one:) ... I also profiled it a bit
and I think I have an idea on how to make it all a bit faster
- May 9 1999: woke up and read a book for homework ... not much
fun ... then I hacked on genius a tiny bit and read my mail and stuff ...
all in all, today was not a very productive day ... did I mention I hate
- May 8 1999: homework ... homework ... homework ... and a bit of
genius hacking as well
- May 7 1999: I think I'm catching some sort of a cold or
something ... I'm extremely tired ... so I didn't do much today ... went
to work ... went home did some hacking ... and created a mailing list
for genius (details on the genius home page)
- May 6 1999: added a genius home page
got a couple of genius bug reports and fixed those bugs, but otherwise
did not do much stuff ... basically I scrapped what I did yesterday about
the independent execution stuff ... as it can't be done without scrapping
the zero time identifier lookup which I don't want to do ... so I won't do
that ... so if genius is in a deeper context you will only be able to work
in that context ... not really big deal anyway ... a lot of the stuff can
be solved cleanly without this and I can keep my speed improvements
- May 5 1999: last two days I did absolutely no work on genius,
so instead I released 0.4.1 with no new changes since may 3rd ... I probably
won't get much hacking time until the weekend ... and I already have some
TODO's lined up for genius
- May 3 1999: today I did mostly schoolwork (needed to read a
book for tomorrow) ... though I did manage to fix the transparency hack
of zvt and add a few options to genius as well ...
- May 2 1999: today I actually went to work and actually did work,
but then I went back to hacking genius (genius is ADDICTIVE!) ... anyway ...
I made a lot of improvements to the ui ... and the gui version now looks
very spiffy and doesn't fork any new processes ... take a look at it
- May 1 1999: today was a kind of lazy day, though I did revamp
the gui version of genius ... I'm getting all sorts of crazy
megallomaniacal ideas about genius lately
- April 30 1999: as you could expect I did some work on genius
today (yay!) ... although I spent a large part of the day doing stuff
for school ... however I did manage to write statistical functions (which
I needed for homework) ... and then later at night I did matrix powers
with integers and division and such crap ... then I released the whole
thing as 0.4.0 ... so get it and then kick your head in because it's
not 100% compatible with 0.3.x :)
- April 29 1999: Today in the computer languages class I got
extremely bored as usual, but since I was sort of on the topic of
computer languages, I got several ideas about genius, so I left the
class about half an hour into the lecture, ditched the next class
and implemented them ... then I finished what I started later in the
evening ... basically I'm slightly changing the syntax to be more
esthetically pleasing and to look and act more like symbolic math, for
example to define a function x^2+5, now you type
function f(x) = x^2+5
which is just a whole lot nicer, also I'm passing functions by value and
not by reference which probably doesn't make it much slower (and I can
always implement copy-on-write for function bodies as well), but it makes
the whole thing look and act more consistent ...
- April 25 1999: I don't know what's wrong with me ... I'm
supposed to be doing homework, yet I spend the past about 4 hours
finishing up complex number support in genius ... on the plus side,
that task is hopefully done ... including the fact that mp wrappers
are now complete and functioning ... (and hopefully working correctly
too:) ...
- April 24 1999: yesterday I bought a cd burner cause I lost my
rh5.2 cd (sounds like a dumb reason, but it was more of a last straw)
... after finding the box I wanted in fry's, I discovered it's the last
one ... and outside I found out I really only bought the drive ... the
manual and drivers (windows I'd guess) were missing ... oh well ... who
needs em ... the thing works ... except I don't want it in my puter
as my dad's puter is mostly idle and can do burning when I'm doing
something ... otherwise ... not much new ... did a bit of genius hacking
and released 0.3.2
- April 22 1999: all this "we need to be stable crap" is
making me go nuts. it's much more fun to just hop around adding random
cool features without actually really testing them and changing
interfaces whenever one wants to .... I pine for the days of gnome 0.13
when if I needed something from gnome-libs ... I could just go in
and smack in a new function or change an existing one without
any care for real users ... I wish there were no lusers ... if there
were only hackers ... the world would be a far better place .... and
there would be no need for stable versions ... we could all just
hop around hacking on random parts of code making it do cool things
... (who cares if they are buggy and make you update/recompile a zillion
different componets ...:) ... anyway ... I did a little bit of work
on genius between school work and the panel ... so I might just release
a 0.3.2 soon as there is quite a lot of new useful functions piling up
... not without their own problems of course ... and some of the most
important matrix functionality is still missing (determinants, powers,
inverses) ... and of course there are many holes in the complex number
stuff as well
- April 16 1999: something has happened to me and I can't
stop hacking genius, I've stopped reading most of my mail, checking
slashdot all the time, hanging on irc, working, doing homework,
watching tv ... The upside is that genius has finally beat bc on
pure execution speed today, in a test which doesn't involve gmp
beating the crap out of bc's integer handeling ... basically an
empty while loop doing a LOT of iterations is about 10% faster on
genius now ... That's what I was doing most of today, ... though
matrix operations got sped up more then an order of magnitude because
I now use a copy-on-write algorithm to avoid copying the matrixes
all the time ... and I implemented getting regions from matrixes
instead of just rows,columns and elements ... today is a time
for celebration as I have finally succeeded in making something
better/faster then bc! ... which was the original goal ... and of
course genius does quite a lot more then bc ... I can even stop
using matlab now
- April 15 1999: killed I hope all the genius memory leaks
and released version 0.3.1 which should be a lot more stable and correct
then 0.3.0 I guess
- April 13 1999: tonight's homework session turned out to not be
too kind to actual homework. I did one problem and realized I don't want to
do gaussian elimination by hand, so I had to code it into genius,
and then I found out several other shortcomming with the language that
had to be fixed ... so I did ... and it's 4:30am and I haven't yet
gotten back to the homework .... whoops ... not to mention that I spent the
afternoon putting in a bit of polynomial support under the noble cause
of that being usefull in the homework ... :)
- April 12 1999: hmmm ... I'm slacking off with these entries ....
today and for the past few days I've been hacking a lot on genius and
released 0.3.0 today with a mostly working matrix support and a lot of
fixes and new functions and operators and stuff
- April 1 1999: I wanted to do some april fools thing, but
finally didn't think of anything original enough ... anyway ... for the
last two days I've done a bit of work on genius ... and now I guess it's
time to get back to hacking achtung ... this hasn't turned out to be an
extremely exciting spring break, as I haven't gone anywhere ... oh well
maybe it'll be better next year ...
- March 28 1999: I'm actually starting to make a little progress
on achtung ... The temporal editor is going to be a thougher cookie then
I thought ... good thing that the canvas is so damn easy to use :) ...
though I haven't spent much time on it as I've been doing such things
as ... <gasp> ... "REAL WORK" ... (as strange as it may sound)
- March 26 1999: spent today working and then reading more SMIL
stuff ... and thinking about how to actually do this stuff ... I've started
wrapping SMIL into gtk objects and when I have sufficent parts wrapped
to start a minimial editor I'll start with that ... at first I need a
temporal and layout editor ... hmmm this is gonna be fun ... The best
thing about SMIL is that it can be played outside of Achtung with
no problems ... you can embed it in a webpage or run it in some other
SMIL player ... (maybe even powerpoint :)
- March 25 1999: It's probably because of spring break that
I feel much more positive ... also I've read the SMIL spec and looked
at some more SMIL docs ... and SMIL ROCKS! ... I'm gonna go make Achtung
and editor for arbitrary SMIL files, which will make it very very
cool ... also I've decided to leave vector editting to programs that
will actually know what they're doing ... and Achtung will be pure
SMIL1.0 (with maybe few aditions which will be using the standard way
of extending smil) ... this will make Achtung totally unlike Powerpoint,
but acthung will be WAAAAY cooler
- March 24 1999: I dunno if it's the bombing of serbia or what,
but I strangly feel less negative today ... I didn't do anything gnome
related today, but while doing homework I did a somewhat cool program
to calculate the chromatic polynomial/number of a graph ... also I finally
actually used genius in it's full extent for doing actual work ... not
related to programming genius (of course it needed a few tweaks, and
I'll make a new release of it soon) ... for the math hacks, go to
/pub/math ...
- March 23 1999: today sucked ... yesterday mostly sucked except
for the evening which I spent in a bar so it wasn't that bad ... today
however sucked ... the day before yesterday sucked ... anyway ... school
sucks ... I didn't do any real coding and I'm pissed as hell ...
- March 21 1999: did nothing this weekend, I hate that, this
almost nothing the whole week in fact. I hate homework ... I got a new
laptop and sold my old one. installed rh5.9 and tinkered with it a bit
instead of doing something really productive ... yesterday I went to the
movies ... and the movie sucked ... if you feel like telling me that
I'm being too negative, screw you too ...
- March 12 1999: wow, I'm saving bandwidth again ... anyway,
in the past month basically GNOME 1.0 has been released I went to LWCE
and gave a tutorial on programming for gnome there ... (look at pictures
from the expo here)
- February 18 1999: again worked on other things ... but released
genius 0.2.1 with the improvements I'm progressively making .... I'm bound
to have something that's useful within the next 10 years ... anyway ...
- February 17 1999: Didn't do all that much, I'm mostly in "fix
bugs" mode or in "get pissed and hack on genius" mode ... but most of the
time lately I'm in "work or do homework" mode ... homework sucks ...
- February 13 1999: yesterday zinc stopped working, today morning
(or more precisely noon) I went to a+net and figured out someone turned off
our server by mistake .... damn there goes our uptime (not to mention the
clock got confused and the server thought for a while it was still last year
... then I went to our lug's installfest ... after that I went home ...
I finally fixed that "panel crashes when you change to pixmap background"
bug ... it was such a dumb bug ...
- February 11 1999: I'm getting lazier and lazier, anyway,
school sucks, it takes away time from hacking and watching movies ...
on the panel front, it's been mostly bugfixing and stuff though I
finished the animation changes, which turned out to be less hackish but
maybe a bit more drastic then I originally thought ... today I got
fed up after trying to hunt down two panel bugs, that I went and implemented
a couple of things in genius ... most notably it's a lot faster and
more stable
- February 1 1999: hmm ... I seem to be bandwidth saving again,
anyway, in the meantime, school started, and I have once again witnessed
bureaucracy in heavy duty action, it's impossible to park at the university,
so they build a new science/admin building and take up couple of parking
lots for that. Now they tell us that they will increase parking cost
so that they can build a new garage in a few years (by which time I'll
be gone after having paid for it) ... in the meantime about 30 minutes
parking in the morning if your lucky and probably an hour at noon ...
anyway ... on the panel front, I haven't done that much as I've been pretty
busy ... spyder has a booth at a conference here in san diego and
we've been finishing up that software for show ... however I've
started on a couple of cleanups including a general cleanup of the
animation, which seems to be done but has a couple of bugs to hunt
down and I guess if I can do that tomorrow I'll commit that ... it's
a larger change but I want it to be out of the way and it will stop
people from complaining about the panel being dog slow with animations
on gnome-compliant window managers ... not to mention it opens up a
whole new area of possibilities with panel geometry in the future,
and it finally gets the drawer animation geometry correct
- January 20 1999: wow ... people actually read this page,
somebody pointed out that I was using 1998 instead of 1999 for recent
entries :) ... ok 3 days till my 21st b-day ... anyway .. otherwise I
didn't do ANYTHING today ... nor yesterday the best that I can
remember :) ... been pretty busy with work ... (kind of doing two
- January 18 1999: ok more panel tweaks, today I was more into
cleanup and hacking on the gtk default handling ... but the panel is
getting cleaned up and streamlined, it's pretty fast with menus already
even without having the widgets in ram ... most "problems" with the panel
now are usability problems, not real bugs ... (though there is an
annoying gtk plug/socket bug which needs to be found)
- January 15 1999: It would see as if I have gone on a quest
to reduce bandwidth wasting by not writing news entries... anyway ...
not much new anywhere ... wrote a whole bunch of new code into the
panel to make menus load faster and other minor fixes (this thing took most
of the day) ... otherwise I haven't done much else
- January 7 1999: (Actually it's already 6am on the 8th:)
... anyway the latest new thing in gnome is fixing memory leaks
and standardizing menus and menu keybindings. So it's mostly
bugfixing time in gnome lately.
- Dec 28 1998: Didn't actually do almost anything today,
though I got me palm pilot
so I kind of spent a long time playing with that ... then I spent
some time checking out how much better my machine has gotten now
that I got 320 megs in it (just got it today) ... so basically I spent the
day playing with new toys ... then ... I spent a couple of hours
trying to figure out why menu creation in the panel is so damn memory
hungry ... not to mention that redhat menu reading eats up 800k and
it would almost seem as if it didn't give it back ... ended up only
making minor fixes and not finding anything wrong with the bugger
... went to see a movie ... hmmm ... not a productive day
- Dec 27 1998: Spent more time on the tutorial and I think
I'm more then half though a draft of the workbook ... I spent a tiny
amount of time fixing memleaks and memory consumption of the
gnome-libs ... and I actually went outside today for a change ...
I should do that more often ...
- Dec 26 1998: I didn't really do all that much since the last
post though I started writing the tutorial for the expo (the workbook
at least) ... it's going slowly but it's going so I should be done
with that soon and I'll put it up. also I read a few chapters in an
excellent book on computability ... which reminds me if someone wants
to see some example comp theory code (turing emulator, urm emulator,
markov emulator, and a bunch of programs for those ... and including
two sed macros for decimal addition and subtraction using only the
s t and : commands ... which is quite scary by itself) ... take a
look at ... partially written for
a class, but mostly I wrote this just because this stuff is so
damn cool (proof that I'm a geek) :)
- Dec 23 1998: OK well the last post was overly optimistic,
but by now it just about all works right ... I'm now mostly working
on usability fixes with the panel, spent today for example changing
the redhat menu support I added last week ... and trying to
generally have the panel take less ram for operation, I still got a
couple of ideas about that that I will do to make memory usage smaller,
such as destroying of menus and putting fakes in when the menu wasn't used
for some amount of time, this should actually keep the memory requirements
of the panel down the most, as the menus are the biggest problem
- Dec 13 1998: miracles do happen ... and as one happened
yesterday and today .. the new panel works ... I'm still convinced
it's pure luck that it all works ... anyway ... it's in CVS ... now
in the HEAD for everyone to see ... go out and multiply ...err ...
update gnome-core now ...
- Dec 10 1998: still working on that goad stuff ... actually
I don't think it's gonna be all that much work as long as orbit and goad
work properly ... I think one full day of coding and it should work ...
(or at least compile:)
- Dec 8 1998: I caught a cold or something ... today was a BAAAD
day, yesterday was worse .... not to mention I didn't do anything on the
panel really ... nor on anything else ... elliot made a nice new idl
file for the panel and is adding stuff to goad to make it all possible,
the applets are gonna be true blue corba/goad objects ... activation
will be taken care of by goad ... and I hope to get it to a freeze by the
15th (I mean at least make the API ok) ... the applet API will change
a bit most likely and will allow for shared lib applets ... so that you
can make your applets as shared libs and not have them hog the resources
too much ... but then if an applet crashes it's sure to take the panel
with it ... so there is a payoff ... anyway ... with this new stuff
the memory usage by the panel should decrease I guess ... more on all this
tomorrow when I hope I'll actually do something (that is if I feel any
- Dec 6 1998: hmmm ... the goad mess is still not completely
fixed ... it's theoretically all fixed but it just doesn't work too great
yet ... single applets work ok .. though when restarting the panel,
the applets don't start up properly ... seems to be some sort of a race
condition ... the multiapplets crash on the second instantiation that needs
to be figured out ... it takes down the panel with it usually
- Dec 2 1998: after coming from school I started hacking on the
panel, cleaning up the recent goad mess ... mind you I didn't finish yet
... this will prolly take another day or so to make it work and then
on to fix all the small annoying bugs that I collected over the last
month or so ... and maybe do some corba cleanup before 1.0 is released
... I figure I should do some work on the panel, now that we're getting
towards a 1.0 of gnome itself
- Dec 1 1998: Well today I did absolutely nothing worth mentioning,
yesterday I release genius 0.2.0. Today... after coming from work, I started
working on homework (due tomorrow of course), unfortunately, I didn't
go to class where he explained how to set up timer interrupts on
bsvc ... ahh .. who cares .. it's the same as on the ECB system I have
a manual from ... WRONG! ... I spent 2 hours before I figured out that
on bsvc the status bit is opposite ... weird, but that's the way it is,
I think the bsvc people should get a good kick in the head ... maybe I
should go to class and get bored to death ... hmmm .. naaaahh ....
- Nov 29 1998: Time flies, it's already been a week since
the last entry. hmm ... after a few days of tackling bugs bigger then
me, I got waay frustrated and went to finish the genius engine today,
it wasn't actually as much work as I thought so it's working completely
(probably modulo a few bugs and a couple of things I'll add) ... I'll
do a release soon and it will not require gnome any more ... at least
not for the command line version ... however I'm fighting with
autoconf/automake, I'm too lazy to read docs so I'm just trying to wing
it. In panel news, elliot goadized the panel/applets so now they're
nicer corba objects, but goad stuff doesn't seem to work for me so
I have no applets (I wonder if it's actually working for someone)
...lately things have a tendency not to work on my machine .. anyway
it 3:30am and school starts at 9 ... should go to sleep I guess:)
- Nov 21 1998: Woke up too late to go to the installfest so
instead I spent most of the day hacking on gnome-libs, fixing minor
things here and there ... though there were enough disturbances to
make me actually not do too much stuff ... I still can't get
gnome-terminal running on my machine and I got very bored debugging it:)
- Nov 18 1998: Hmmm there is a slight crunch for a freeze on
gnome-libs, so I will abandon all other projects for a while and help
with gnome-libs. Another fun thing is the Qt "We are OSS" fiasco today
... oh well some people still don't get what free software is about
... doesn't change a thing for gnome, there was one or two people that
said they will leave gnome, but I have a very hard time remembering what
they coded, so it doesn't seem to be a loss anyway
- Nov 15 1998: If anyone was wondering why zinc was down,
read this. today I finally got
some gnome hacking time again ... and made the new genius stuff compile
and evaluate very simple expressions, more debugging is to come, but I guess
I can have the new engine ready in about another day of hacking .. (whenever
that will come) ... only a couple of things are left to do ... and the
language seems to be finalized ... it's not as clean as I wanted it to be
and it will probably be a bitch to debug ... but it should be an actually
useful mathematical language afterwards ...
- Nov 8 1998: Today was a hacking day ... though I spent
the morning (meaning early afternoon for mere mortals) cleaning my
car ... and doing other stuff so that my mom wouldn't shout at me any
more ... then I went hacking again ... I got load/save implemented
in achtung, plus a couple of minor fixes
- Nov 2 1998: returned from Tucson where I was for the weekend,
maybe I'll actually start working on something one of these days ...
- Oct 27 1998: didn't have too much time for hacking, but
for what I did, see the main page under the transparency hack for zvt
for some screenshots of that
- Oct 15 1998: Got a bit of achtung hacking done and posted
a screenshot, otherwise today has been a pretty shitty day
- Oct 13 1998: today was a good day for hacking for some reason,
first class was a test, but I got a few hours of hack time at school and
then home ... got a bit ahead on achtung again .. mostly internal stuff
and stuff that doesn't yet show ...
- Oct 9 1998: hmmm well I definitely was lazy. Anyway ...
most recent news is that I was pretty sick so I didn't do much,
but we're getting the new framework of Achtung up and running ... it
can now start up and display random rectangles across the canvas ...
I also turned the ftp back on since it seems I'm not getting badly hit
anymore ...
- Sep 30 1998: not much changed ... work/school/sleep ... not
much time now ... plus I think I caught a cold or something, I don't have
fever but I can't concentrate on anything ... so I'm moving even slower
on achtungs new object stuff then I thought I would .... btw ... this is
slightly old news but I released genius 0.1.1 because the old one had some
problems/bugs (read "features") ... you can get it
notice it's an http connection not an ftp one ... my ftp is down for the
moment due to some warez kiddies who discovered incoming I left
open by mistake ... and now the site is getting TOO many hits ... I deleted
the whole lot and HEY I got 300 megs back on my home partition here ...
I'll run the ftp site back on (without incoming of course) in a week or
so ... or whenever the warez kiddies go away ...
- Sep 27 1998: haven't been doing much on gnome since I got a
lot to do at work. I've been also hacking on achtung more so I put genius
on the backburner for a while ... but I made a genius release 0.1 so get
that from my
- Sep 18 1998: spent the afternoon hacking genius ... I'm probably
not gonna hack it for all that much longer and I'm gonna go on to other
things which seem to be more needed in gnome ... I'm still gonna do a little
bit of tweaking and probably get the matrix support in it in some way or
another before I put it on the back burner again ...
- Sep 16 1998: hmmm yet another day on which I had to
wake up waay too early ... meaning by 8 ... anyway .. worked a bit
on the matrix stuff ... also genius now doesn't allocate/deallocate
some structs all the time ... it keeps a free list ... also did some
measuring and it seems that the recent changes have done some difference
... a recursive factorial function from the bc manpage (which I admit
looks better in bc syntax then in genius's) was 10 times faster with
genius ... there even more things that can get tweaked though so it
will be even better in the future ...
- Sep 13 1998: I was gone for most of the day ... in the
evening I worked a bit on genius ... I'm now getting megalomaniacal
ideas about stuff that will go into genius ... slightly shifting from
the original intents ... I'm trying to build a better bc then bc and
have genius have at least some of the power of matlab/octave/... with
better syntax of course (I'm probably a bit biased in that department)
- Sep 12 1998: hmm I'm being lazy again:) ... anyway ... I still
didn't find that bug, though it seems to be half fixed now (one part
really seemed to be orbit) ... the other part is probably gtksocket
and I have pinpointed why it doesn't work ... but I have no idea how
to fix that, (though owen suggested a workaround which I'll try) ...
today I've been working mostly on genius, I've added minor bits of the
matrix code, and I've created a good command line version of genius
which uses readline
- Sep 9 1998: another schoolday ... I need to start going to
sleep earlier then 4am if I want to wake up at 8 ... anyway ... worked a
bit more on genius, no luck looking for that panel bug .. etc ... etc ...
btw ... genius is now it's own separate module ... I'll work on the
user interface now and then release a tarball of it before starting on
matrix support
- Sep 8 1998: went to work ... when I got home I spent a few
hours looking for that multiapplet bug, I'm getting closer and closer
I think ... in the process, I fixed a bunch of other bugs though ...
so it wasn't all that wasted time ...
- Sep 7 1998: went out saw a movie, went to work to find my
old computer's hard drive corrupted, went home and unsuccessfully
hunted for that multiapplet bug again ... now I think I'm at least
looking in the right general area ... other then that I did a couple of
small cleanups
- Sep 6 1998: spent the day hunting that multiapplet bug,
I really really really hate this bug ... I just spent about an hour
going through the changes of last 2 weeks with no luck ... it must
have gotten in before that ... or it's not in the panel
- Sep 5 1998: what a lazy day ... I didn't do much of
anything, I hacked on the panel a bit ... but I'm getting bored
with it ... I'll probably start working on genius again (I want
to add matrix support and make the UI better and make a command
line version)
- Sep 4 1998: woke up early (got only about 3 hours of sleep
last nite) ... went to school ... then when I got back I hacked on the
panel a bit adding all the missing things and fixing bugs here and there
... it now supports dnd of executables and .desktops and directories
onto panels to make launchers/menus out of them ... and the property
item in the "menu popup menu" works, so that you don't have to go to
gmenu for very simple edits ... left are swallow properties and swallow
window destruction detection ... aiming for a usable release soon ...
- Sep 3 1998: dropped my t/th class so I have those two days
free ... went to work ... also went and saw "Blade" ... it was kind of
cool, but predictable as hell so I didn't like it all that much ...
on the panel I did some cleanups and bugfixes,
nothing extraordinary, mostly fixing up warnings and adding argument
checking to panel-widget
- Sep 1 1998: yesterday all classes were at least partly
cool and some of them very cool ... today's class just sucked ...
I guess I'll drop it ...
- Aug 30 1998: fixed a few bugs in the panel, went to a movie,
and fixed another few bugs in the panel ... hmmm ... see a pattern ...
tomorrow school starts .... ugh .... oh well ... life has to suck
sometimes I guess:) ... I'm even more "pissed off" today because I keep
hitting some weird bug which makes the panel segfault ... I fixed one
very bad g_list related bug today ... which solved part of the problems
the other part is even weirder, seems like functions get the actual values
of their arguments lost during the call ... looks like some stack corruption
or something ... I ran it with efence, that just makes the problems pop
up more .. but still in very weird places ... hmmm ... I need to find this
bugger ...
- Aug 27 1998: ok, found a way to do the whole icon thing,
I probably had a brain clog or something but I confused intputonly
windows with outputonly windows, so there IS such a thing as a
transparent window ... meaning I can leave the current drawing code
in there and have xwindow widgets anyhow ... I also made the button-widget
be much cooler since I can easily trap enter/leave_notify events so it
acts like a real button, etc ...
- Aug 26 1998: found so many snags on the way I want to do
things, which makes me want to reconsider it all. What I'm now leaning
towards is this: to make alpha channel possible I'm gonna make tiles
mandatory, tiles will be a square shape and alpha channel drawing will be
done onto them ... the widgets WILL have it's X window and a LOT of
code won't have to be there ... the price to pay is that there won't
be any icons drawn directly onto the panel ... but I guess we'll all
have to survive that ... anyway, for a picture of how it all looks with
tiles look at this. it's in cvs, but
a lot of things don't work like tooltips or autoraise on drawer buttons
(those are 2 of the reasons I might have to switch to the tile only
- Aug 25 1998: finally got something that's usable with the
new icon stuff right now it's only for the launchers, but menus and
drawers should be trivial now, also tile support will make it in soon
(the worst part will be creating the config dialog:) ... so the current
"mess" is in cvs, it's no more unstable then what WAS in the cvs, so
I figure it was time to commit ...
- Aug 23 1998: expo is finally over ... added themes to fish,
since that was the only thing I could really work on at the booth
(with that many interruptions that is) ... I'll get to work on the
panel again soon ... I want to get it stable soon ...
- Aug 20 1998: finally got through to my mail (I ssh to my
server colo'ed at a local isp, then from there I ssh to the firewall
on the expo, and from there to my machine ... and I wonder why X
redirection don't work through that (hey it's only going through two
firewalls 2 ssh sessions and one telnet session)) ... anyway .. I
fixed wanda today so that people would stop complaining about the
flicker .... also I did a little bit of work on the button widget,
it's now a widget that doesn't draw anything, but otherwise it acts
just like a widget (which makes it much nicer then my previous scheme,
but it made me dump a lot of code ... last few days I've spent coding
up stuff that I would immediately delete when I find it wasn't working,
I actually need to start implementing the thing instead of testing weird
things ....
- Aug 19 1998: Computer expo starts today and my machine is on
display at the booth ... so I'm alpha-less ... only had an hour or so gnome
time today and I spent most of it getting and compiling all the pieces of
gnome and gtk i need for panel work
(glib/gtk/imlib/gnome-libs/ORBit/gnome-core) on my notebook ... (which sucks
BTW, since the internal keyboard seems to be fighting with the external one)
- Aug 18 1998: compiled a lot of stuff for the expo tomorrow
(I didn't get a bunch of stuff compiled due to ctree brokenness oh well)
... then I started hacking on the button widget again ... and made a lot
of it work nicely, HOWEVER, the flicker is just NOT GOOD (plus I discovered
a minor inefficiency with drawers) ... I guess I'll be slightly redesigning
the entire thing ... panel-widget would draw the background and icon on
a pixmap and blit it to screen for a completely flicker free panel ...
HOWEVER this requires major changes to the panel, so it isn't likely to get
done anytime soon ... so there won't be commits for some time in the
cvs now ... but the result should be better and faster (though maybe a little
bit more memory heavy, but not much more then it already is)
- Aug 17 1998: came home late, but got some work done on the
button widget, it will probably take me another few days, because of
a couple of new "snags" that I've hit with it, however it should be
faster and much nicer then the original gnomepixmap icons (it won't
for example have it's own window, it will draw directly onto the panel's
window, which should make it faster and should allow alpha channel in
the future)
- Aug 16 1998: well besides feeling like shit, I've actually done
a little bit of work on the panel, I've started on the button widget for
the icons, this will include the support for background tiles for the
images and far ... far in the future .. alpha channel support ...
- Aug 15 1998: didn't do too much this week on the panel ...
I've been coming home too late ... don't worry, it'll get better:)
- Aug 10 1998: slowly progressing through stuff in my todo list
on the panel ... but more importantly I'm definitely starting to hate
red tape ... see ... I'm a senior in the university .. YET .. they are
putting me on a test hold (meaning I can't register in time) ... since
their "record shows I haven't taken the english placement test" ... hmm
I've already been placed .. I also passed their dumbass english competency
test ... but NOOOO ... now I have to go do even a lower test which should
place me into an engish level class I need to take .. hmmm .. but I
completed my english requirements about 3 years ago ... well you get the
idea ... I'm having fun
- Aug 7 1998: didn't get much done lately, I have been at work
a lot and we have had friends over etc ... oh well ... I will most likely
do a bit of coding over the weekend to catch up on all the things I've been
itching to implement
- Aug 2 1998: .... didn't hack almost at all .. went out with
a couple of friends to see a movie ... well in the evening I did hack
a few things but not much ... didn't feel like it today ... :)
- Aug 1 1998: ahhh ... what a lazy day ... woke up about 1 (in the
afternoon of course) ... I hacked on the panel trying to get things cleaned
up for the release ... most of the day I've spent chasing a gtk bug which I
never found ... on the brighter side I found one completely unrelated gtk bug
... with the panel now instead of "add" buttons we have menu item menus ...
(kind of a weird concept, popup menu from a menu?) ... grabs don't work well
on it yet, but I guess that will follow ... drawers still cleanup ...
today I only killed about 50 lines, so I need to do more in terms of cleanup
- July 31 1998: hmmm ... well I worked on the panel quite a lot
in the last few days ... the changes include much saner geometry handling
which is more gtk'ish, greatly improved session save performance, and
very quick applet adding since I reduced the number of Xwindows needed
to put common applets on the panel (launcher,menu,drawer) to 1/3 ...
also those applets ceased to be buttons and became pixmaps only (since the
gnome pixmap has it's own window everything works peachy, though that
makes alpha channel almost impossible (X doesn't support it) ... we'll see
how that mess is solved ... I'll be soon adding tile support for those
buttons so that you can put different "tiles" under drawer, menu and
launcher icons (this will make it much easier to distinguish between those
three) ... (this is not turning out like that feature freeze I was
- July 28 1998: I'm a bit lazy today so I did very little,
but I did start redoing the geometry stuff on panel-widget and
I have some ideas on how to get out of the current mess it's in
- July 27 1998: got back yesterday nite ... didn't go to work
today since I was doing other things, got to hack the panel in the evening
and did a lot of menu work ... I really need to clean up the panel-widget
geometry code, the current one is just a huge mess and doesn't work
- July 24 1998: yesterday I did some work on the menu stuff,
its now possible to make drawer from a menu ... (I dunno if it's all
that useful to add a drawer from the system menu ... especially
on slow machines ... this makes it even more obvious that the
allocation stuff needs to be very optimized ....) ... today I'm going
away for the weekend so don't expect anything too new on the panel
over this weekend:)
- July 22 1998: actually did very little on the panel, I feel
lazy today ... maybe some other time ... but I added
the APPLET_WRITING document to the panel
info. So if you want to write panel applets ... here's your chance
- July 21 1998: continuing with panel cleanup, mostly just
moving code around files, some files are now actually completely
different then they were before, and there are a lot of new files ...
etc ... etc ... etc ... basically just about no bugs fixed, just code
restructuring ... I will still get to more cleanup, but I hope to keep
file structure as it is now ...
- July 20 1998: ... Elliot made orbit work and made the panel
work with it ... I can't get it to work however (ORBit that is) ...
so I'm still running it with mico ... I've started a major cleanup
of the core, since the old code was quite broken and this showed itself
with the orbit stuff ... I got some cleanup done today .. and more will
follow ... it's 0 new features, it's only cleanup and bugfixing ...
- July 16 1998: hmm few days with no post, I'm getting lazier,
anyway ... this week was mostly work ... though I did get to a few
things this week (regarding the panel I mean) ... but nothing too big,
mostly bug fixes and minor improvements ... plus I put more stuff into
the TODO, quite a lot of stuff to do with cleanup:) ... on a separate
note ... this KDE vs GNOME flamewar thingie is almost like wildfire ...
with most of the people arguing having absolutely no clue as to what
they are talking about ... best are posts of the type "let's not start
a flamewar here ... but (GNOME|KDE) (rules|sucks)!" ... or "Linux is
about choice so Redhat should include KDE" ... hmmm we have some high
IQ people among us as I see ... makes me confident about the future of
the human race ...
- July 12 1998: didn't feel like going to work on sunday, so
I stayed home and hacked the panel ... I did quite a lot too ... basically
the menus are now reread in a much smarter manner, etc ... etc... so
a lot of stuff on the menu side, plus other fixes here and there ...
I also got involved in a licensing flamewar again ... I need to
stop doing that ... "write 100 times on the blackboard: Will not discuss
licenses with silly people"
- July 11 1998: last two days we've actually been doing work
this also meant that i got home very late ... and panel wise I've been
doing some cleanup, so no really new stuff except about 150 less lines
of code that have been stripped off in the process, while increasing
functionality. More is to come in terms of cleanup...
- July 9 1998: well .. did a little bit at work .. fought
with the reparent bug that I now blame entirely on gtk and gtksocket
... and I also demoed gnome at our lug meeting ... plus I spent
a LONG time looking at xscreensaver hacks ... so I was wondering
how many braincells I have left if I spent that long looking at
screensavers ...
- July 8 1998: hmm .. didn't do much at work, but oh well ...
went to dinner with friends ... got home about 11 ... did some work
on cleaning parts of the panel stuff up ... mostly related to drawers
... there still seem to be many issues with multiple panels ... some
cause segfaults, some are just cosmetic ... oh well ... I also made a
small snapshot of the corner widget
in action
- July 7 1998: yesterday I started the corner panel type ...
I also got only about 3 hours of sleep ... anyway ... I'm still up
and I finished the corner type today ... it almost seemed too easy ...
- July 5 1998: "took the day off" .. hacked the panel most
of the day and went to the movies ... funny how the movies that are
good usually play in small theaters and there isn't more then 5 people
in to see them ...
- July 4 1998: hmmm ... ok I am a looser .. I went to work
and got home around 0:40 AM ... hmmm ... didn't really do anything
with the panel but I'm trying to compile all of gnome ...
- July 3 1998: ... yes I know people with half a life had
something better to do today ... but I went to work, sue me .... got
home late but did a bit of stuff on the panel ... it now should be more
optimized in terms of redraws, although it seems to have a nasty effect on
drawers that would otherwise go off the top of the screen, but that's a very
minor thing ... there is still a nasty flash when you move around a panel
that has an applet in the middle ... I'll look at that next .. now you
can also add new edge drawers, but you can't get rid of them yet :)
- July 2 1998: well I wasnt at work and spent the day making
the panel work again. so everything seems to work now so I committed,
there were actually a couple of bugfixes from the previous version
so this one should be more sane and stable too ... however the config
file format has changed so the panel won't read your old config file
and you'll need to redo your config ... it was TOO much trouble and this
IS development software so I can get away with that ... the applet API
has changed very slightly but has backward compatibility hacks ... it
even preserves binary compatibility ... so check out the newest cvs
version ...:)
- July 1 1998: again came home late from work (around midnight)
so I didn't get all that much time on the panel again ... but I did clean
up the snapped widget and it seems to work quite nicely ... actually some
things work better then they did before ... and there might even be speed
improvements ... but I haven't tested those) .. now I have to make
the drawers work ... and I can commit ...
- June 30 1998: came home around midnight .. so you can imagine
that I didn't have that much time left for the panel ... but I did get more
stuff working and did more cleanup (more cleanup still to follow) .. it
would be nice to get the beast to at least mostly work so I can stick
it in cvs again without people bitching too much ...
- June 29 1998: I had very little time for hacking, but at
least in that time, I got the entire thing to compile, squashed a few
obvious bugs and I made the snapped work to some extent. now comes the
hard part of making the whole lot play nice ... I hoped it would behave
better once it compiled ... but ... boy was I wrong ... now I need to
catch all the warnings it spits out ... and fix all my braindamages
I've put into the code in the last week ... also I might just go and
dump the config file compatibility now and that will make some code
nicer and probably more reliable ... I've also made it do smooth moving
instead of by increments of 10 ... this might prove to be bad, but I
hope it will work out to be a good change
- June 28 1998: definitely a better day for hacking then
yesterday, hacked on the panel for most of the day, then I went to a
movie (don't ask me which one, suffice to say it SUCKED) ... so I
got the panel theoretically adapted to the new framework ... most of
it now compiles but there's still a lot of cleanup needed .. and probably
a tun of bugs crept in ... but at least I'm not coding completely
blindly any more:) ... on another note .. expect a large backwards
incompatible change in the config system soon ... I need to make
session-saving less resource hungry .. and it will also make the
whole thing more robust I guess (and more friendly to applets, they
will now get a file instead of just a section) ... but that's coming
later .. after I've stabilized the panel from the recent changes ...
so much to do ... so little time :)
- June 27 1998: got a killer headache ... but I did finish the
drawer widget ... and I did start working on adapting main.c ... this is
gonna need more clean-up in the long run as it seems ... the fact that
I split up the container of the panel and the panel itself is causing
a lot of trouble ... but hopefully it will pay off by making new panel
types much easier ... I'm also toying with the idea of plugins for the
panel types ... or even better panel types exported like applets to other
programs ... this might be useful for more integration with mc .. or maybe
some window manager might take advantage of it ... anyway ... won't do
much now ... I can't concentrate with a headache :) ..
- June 26 1998: hmmm I actually did merge the three base widgets
back into one ... but hopefully in a cleaner way then before .. plus I think
I finished the snapped widget .. so I need to get the drawer one done and
then make the whole bit work ...
- June 24 1998: went out and saw truman show .. pretty cool,
got home late and I don't feel all that great ... but I did prune the
flowing widget (mostly same type of work as packed so it went pretty
quickly) ... now all that is remaining is to create the final drawer
and snapped widgets .. and then the corner and free ones ... and a bit
further in future the tabbed one ... these top level ones might be a bit
harder then it was up to now, but we'll see ... hopefully ... I won't hit
any snags ... probably the first panel-widget pruning was the worst one
since I was discovering all kinds of interdependencies between the types
... so this solution actually has more code to worry about ... but I guess
I'll dump some code back into panel-widget sooner or later to clean it up
a bit ... then again .. the exact opposite might happen to give more
flexibility ... I've even had the impure thoughts of merging the packed
and flowing into one type (panel) ... now it would be much simpler given
all the work ...
- June 23 1998: got home late ... around 10 ... so I didn't
get too much done .. but hopefully I got the panel and packed widgets
now theoretically done, now the remaining 3 to get back to the original
functionality, and 2 more to get new panel types packed and free
(well free was there before but was not very usable) ... this way
it should also be possible to add the "tabbed" panels as miguel
suggested ...
- June 22 1998: hmmm ... woke up earlier then normal (9am) ...
but that was the only good thing today ... basically I didn't do anything
worthwhile today ... I put in about an hour today into splitting the
widgets .... but at this rate I'll be doing it all week ...
- June 21 1998: ok I've bit the bullet and I'm splitting up
PanelWidget into 7 widgets (well one base one, plus two derivated ones
plus 4 types of panel that will not derive but include one of the above
two) .... I have finished pruning the base widget and will start on the
derived ones asap ... don't expect anything new in cvs for a few days
though ... this doesn't look like anything completely trivial ... but I
just might get it done this week or next week I guess ... other then that
I watched movies for most of today :)
- June 20 1998: watched elections in czech .. then went and
made gsearchtool work. it's basically a complete rewrite, just about
everything was replaced. it's not completely done (the locate front end
isn't done and most likely won't be for some time) ... also today, I added
a w I also decided that putting a space between the newsitems is a good
- June 16 1998: ok, got a bit of panel hacking time and did some
drawer work. hmmm .... earlier I promised to work on the search tool,
I WILL get to it, it's just that I still have a few fresh ideas about the
panel, which I want to do before going into finishing the rewrite of
the searchtool :)
- June 15 1998: didn't do all that much on the panel the last week
end ... I'm going through the todo list and picking small simple stuff ..
I bought the kinesis ergonomic keyboard ... and my typing on it isn't as
fast as it used to be on the normal keyboard yet ... I hope to get more
panel hack time this week ...
- June 6 1998: getting a bit lazy with these updates :), anyway,
I committed major updates to the panel lately, so there was a lot cleanups
and minor changes in the entire code, and a lot of the reported bugs
have been addressed, still a lot to do on the panel though and I have
some major changes lined up for it, mainly to the menu stuff and the
panel-widget. I'll probably go and try to finish the gsearchtool next
week, it will use mc's vfs as well as find and locate as it seems now
... depending on the vfs implementation I might just drop the find
support since it would complicate things ...
- June 3 1998: ok I got back from linux expo sunday and now I
need to catch up with panel updates and cleanups and work stuff:) ...
panel can now be dragged over the screen and another bunch of updates
are in.
- May 26 1998: well didn't do much today, tomorrow I'm flying
to Nc for linux expo. Still some work to do on the search tool, but I
guess I'll get something done there, since I'm taking my laptop.
- May 24 1998: Finals are over. Over the weekend I fixed
a tun of bugs in the panel, made a gen_util applet that combines mailcheck
printer and clock into one executable, and yet again started work on
gnome search tool, this time I hope to finish it (I added it to the cvs
tree, but without asking miguel so I wonder if my ass will be kicked:)
- May 21 1998: one more final to go ... anyway, today I yet
again changed the interface for applet_widget, hopefully the last time
now. It just makes more sense now and makes certain stuff easier. I made
all apps use it, plus corrected a whole bunch of warnings. Also I started
writing a little tutorial for applet writers, still has a long way to go,
but at least it's a start.
- May 20 1998: as a break from studying and work I decided
I'll hack the panel for a little bit and it turned into an about 4-5
hour hackspree in which I fixed up the multiapplet support and cleaned
up other stuff, mostly around that area, so if I fail my finals I can
blame it on the panel :) .. good news is, that finals are over friday
so I plan on hacking the panel a lot more again ... and now the task
at hand seems to be merging applets to become multi-applets to reduce
- May 16 1998: again one of those days where I had no time,
been at work the whole day ... did tiny bit of work on the panel
- May 15 1998: today I didn't have much time so I only fixed
the ugly "panel likes the top position" bug on the panel, I still need
to completely debug the multiple applet support, and do loading of
applets in a row instead of all at once.
- May 13-14 1998: I've been to work for 30 hours straight
so I didn't do much gnome coding, you can imagine, I woke up today
at 1am and finished (but didn't test) the multiple applet support,
and hunted down a few genius bugs (since I need to use it so I fix
bugs as I find em even though I don't actively work on it lately) ...
that made me install the new gdb which seems very stable now (unlike
the old one which segfaulted on me on every second program)
- May 11 1998: spent the last few days with school and work
mostly and haven't been able to really work on the panel ... I'm
adding multiple applets per process support and it seems to be going
along rather well ... this should reduce memory requirements if applets
will be lumped together into one chunk ...
- May 6/7 1998: to take a break from doing projects and other
meaningless stuff from school, I fixed a few bugs and added a few minor
features in the panel. also I wrote fish_applet, which is completely
useless ...
- May 4 1998: Tested all of gnome yet again (or tried to),
fixed a couple of bugs in the panel, added an about box, fiddled
with the cpuload applet ...
- May 3 1998: Tested gnome, tried to build more of it, got
new egcs, and made all applets use applet-widget which I wrote today
- May 2 1998: Spent today and yesterday hacking on the panel
made the whole thing use only a list and dumped the array ... added a
new movement mode, and merged the launcher with the panel (we won't
use corba for launchers any more) ... so A LOT of changes to the panel
and it's hopefully getting much more stable
- Apr 30 1998: Today was a day of cleanup of the panel-widget
code. I store the applets in a linked list and have a structure with
all the info now, it reduces the cpu time to do something and makes
the whole thing nicer and easier to manage. I also took out the menu
items for adding drawers and swallows (just the menu items not the
actual support for these) as those are not ready for public yet, so the
release shouldn't have them (I'll reenable them after 0.14). Plus I
added keyboard support to gcalc, but it doesn't work for my numpad
which I didn't care to figure out. BTW check out what Miguel added,
drag an image file from gmc onto the panel and be amazed ... :)
- Apr 29 1998: Fixed a couple of cosmetic bugs on the drawers,
some geometry bugs, and a bug with dragging corba applets ... still there
are some bugs to be fixed, but most of these are cosmetic as far as
I can see.
- Apr 28 1998: Fixed another one of those widget corruption bugs
today on the panel, and I'm working on making the drawers open/close
nicer, the drawers have a ton of cosmetic problems right now but are
otherwise getting stable.

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