ANNOUNCE: GOB (GTK+ object builder) 1.0.5 released

From: George <>
Date: Sun, 10 Sep 2000 22:22:59 -0700

What is GOB:

Very simple preprocessor for making GTK+ objects with inline C code so that
generated files are not edited. Syntax is inspired by Java and yacc or lex.
The implementation is intentionally kept simple, and no C code parsing is
done. Besides that, it's really cool and you should use it and stuff.

You will probably see a slowdown in releases now, because gob has basically
all the features that I wanted it to have, and it seems that the bugs are in
very low supply. This time I also made an i386 RPM for those of you who
aren't 31337 enough to have an alpha.

What's new in 1.0.5:

        * gob.m4 defaults to WARN (Eskil)
        * fix argumentless methods
        * cleanup
        * _get_type function is now G_GNUC_CONST

Where to get it:

        * (tarballs)
        * (redhat packages)
        * (debian packages)
          Debian packages will be available soon!

There is also discussion mailing for gob, to subscribe send mail to with the subject of "subscribe gob-list".


George <>
   If all economists were laid end to end, they would not reach a conclusion.
                       -- George Bernard Shaw
Received on Sun Sep 10 2000 - 22:28:03 CDT

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