Re: Genius bugreport

From: Christian Rose <>
Date: 30 May 2003 01:41:02 +0200

fre 2003-05-30 klockan 01.30 skrev Christian Rose:
> tor 2003-05-29 klockan 02.41 skrev George:
> > To find out what Genius is, skip a few paragraphs down, or go to
> >
> Here's a Genius bug report. I'd like the messages below to be
> standardized if possible, so that the function name (which shouldn't be
> localized anyway) is replaced by a %s. Example:
> msgid "%s: argument not a matrix"
> This would reduce a lot of work for translators by significantly
> reducing the number of messages, and also reduce the danger of
> accidental misspellings of function names in the translations. This is
> also described in
> Here are the messages:

Oh, and this also applies to some error messages in src/mpwrap.c and

Received on Thu May 29 2003 - 19:41:04 CDT

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