List of GEL Operators

Everything in gel is really just an expression. Expressions are stringed together with different operators. As we have seen, even the separator is simply a binary operator in GEL. Here is a list of the operators in GEL.


The separator, just evaluates both a and b, but returns only the result of b.


The assignment operator. This assigns b to a (a must be a valid lvalue) (note however that this operator may be translated to == if used in a place where boolean expression is expected)


The assignment operator. Assigns b to a (a must be a valid lvalue). This is different from = because it never gets translated to a ==.


Absolute value or modulus (if a is a complex number).

See Mathworld for more information.


Exponentiation, raises a to the bth power.


Element by element exponentiation. Raise each element of a matrix a to the bth power. Or if b is a matrix of the same size as a, then do the operation element by element. If a is a number and b is a matrix then it creates matrix of the same size as b with a raised to all the different powers in b.


Addition. Adds two numbers, matrices, functions or strings. If you add a string to anything the result will just be a string.


Subtraction. Subtract two numbers, matrices or functions.


Multiplication. This is the normal matrix multiplication.


Element by element multiplication if a and b are matrices.




Element by element division.


Back division. That is this is the same as b/a.


Element by element back division.


The mod operator. This does not turn on the modular mode, but just returns the remainder of a/b.


Element by element the mod operator. Returns the remainder after element by element integer a./b.

a mod b

Modular evaluation operator. The expression a is evaluated modulo b. See the Section called Modular Evaluation. Some functions and operators behave differently modulo an integer.


Factorial operator. This is like 1*...*(n-2)*(n-1)*n.


Double factorial operator. This is like 1*...*(n-4)*(n-2)*n.


Equality operator (returns true or false).


Inequality operator, returns true if a does not equal b else returns false.


Alternative inequality operator, returns true if a does not equal b else returns false.


Less than or equal operator, returns true if a is less than or equal to b else returns false.


Greater than or equal operator, returns true if a is greater than or equal to b else returns false.


Comparison operator. If a is equal to b it returns 0, if a is less than b it returns -1 and if a is greater than b it returns 1.

a and b

Logical and.

a or b

Logical or.

a xor b

Logical xor.

not a

Logical not.


Negation operator.


Variable referencing (to pass a reference to something). See the Section called References in the Chapter called Programming with GEL.


Variable dereferencing (to access a referenced varible). See the Section called References in the Chapter called Programming with GEL.


Matrix conjugate transpose.


Matrix transpose, does not conjugate the entries.


Get element of a matrix in row b and column c. If b, c are vectors, then this gets the corresponding rows columns or submatrices.


Get row of a matrix (or rows if b is a vector).


Same as above.


Get column of a matrix (or columns if c is a vector).


Same as above.


Get an element from a matrix treating it as a vector. This will traverse the matrix row-wise.


Build a vector from a to b (or specify a row, column region for the @ operator). For example to get rows 2 to 4 of matrix A we could do

as 2:4 will return a vector [2,3,4].


Build a vector from a to c with b as a step. That is for example

genius> 1:2:9
`[1, 3, 5, 7, 9]


Make a imaginary number (multiply a by the imaginary). Note that normally the number i is written as 1i. So the above is equal to



Quote an identifier so that it doesn't get evaluated. Or quote a matrix so that it doesn't get expanded.

a swapwith b

Swap value of a with the value of b. Currently does not operate on ranges of matrix elements. It returns null. Available from version 1.0.13.

increment a

Increment the variable a by 1. If a is a matrix, then increment each element. This is equivalent to a=a+1, but it is somewhat faster. It returns null. Available from version 1.0.13.

increment a by b

Increment the variable a by b. If a is a matrix, then increment each element. This is equivalent to a=a+b, but it is somewhat faster. It returns null. Available from version 1.0.13.


The @() operator makes the : operator most useful. With this you can specify regions of a matrix. So that a@(2:4,6) is the rows 2,3,4 of the column 6. Or a@(,1:2) will get you the first two columns of a matrix. You can also assign to the @() operator, as long as the right value is a matrix that matches the region in size, or if it is any other type of value.


The comparison operators (except for the <=> operator which behaves normally), are not strictly binary operators, they can in fact be grouped in the normal mathematical way, e.g.: (1<x<=y<5) is a legal boolean expression and means just what it should, that is (1<x and x≤y and y<5)


The unitary minus operates in a different fashion depending on where it appears. If it appears before a number it binds very closely, if it appears in front of an expression it binds less than the power and factorial operators. So for example -1^k is really (-1)^k, but -foo(1)^k is really -(foo(1)^k). So be careful how you use it and if in doubt, add parentheses.