AddPoly (p1,p2)
Add two polynomials (vectors).
DividePoly (p,q,&r)
Divide two polynomials (as vectors) using long division.
Returns the quotient
of the two polynomials. The optional argument r
is used to return the remainder. The remainder will have lower
degree than q
See Planetmath for more information.
IsPoly (p)
Check if a vector is usable as a polynomial.
MultiplyPoly (p1,p2)
Multiply two polynomials (as vectors).
NewtonsMethodPoly (poly,guess,epsilon,maxn)
Run newton's method on a polynomial to attempt to find a root, returns after two successive values are within epsilon or after maxn tries (then returns null).
Poly2ndDerivative (p)
Take second polynomial (as vector) derivative.
PolyDerivative (p)
Take polynomial (as vector) derivative.
PolyToFunction (p)
Make function out of a polynomial (as vector).
PolyToString (p,var...)
Make string out of a polynomial (as vector).
SubtractPoly (p1,p2)
Subtract two polynomials (as vectors).
TrimPoly (p)
Trim zeros from a polynomial (as vector).