
To configure Genius Mathematics Tool, choose Settings->Preferences. There are several basic parameters provided by the calculator in addition to the ones provided by the standard library. These control how the calculator behaves.

NoteChanging Settings with GEL

Many of the settings in Genius are simply global variables, and can be evaluated and assigned to in the same way as normal variables. See the Section called Using Variables in the Chapter called GEL Basics about evaluating and assigning to variables, and the Section called Parameters in the Chapter called List of GEL functions for a list of settings that can be modified in this way.

As an example, you can set the maximum number of digits in a result to 12 by typing:

MaxDigits = 12


Maximum digits to output

The maximum digits in a result (MaxDigits)

Results as floats

If the results should be always printed as floats (ResultsAsFloats)

Floats in scientific notation

If floats should be in scientific notation (ScientificNotation)

Always print full expressions

Should we print out full expressions for non-numeric return values (longer than a line) (FullExpressions)

Use mixed fractions

If fractions should be printed as mixed fractions such as "1 1/3" rather than "4/3". (MixedFractions)

Display 0.0 when floating point number is less than 10^-x (0=never chop)

How to chop output. But only when other numbers nearby are large. See the documentation of the paramter OutputChopExponent.

Only chop numbers when another number is greater than 10^-x

When to chop output. This is set by the paramter OutputChopWhenExponent. See the documentation of the paramter OutputChopExponent.

Remember output settings across sessions

Should the output settings in the Number/Expression output options frame be remembered for next session. Does not apply to the Error/Info output options frame.

If unchecked, either the default or any previously saved settings are used each time Genius starts up. Note that settings are saved at the end of the session, so if you wish to change the defaults check this box, restart Genius Mathematics Tool and then uncheck it again.

Display errors in a dialog

If set the errors will be displayed in a separate dialog, if unset the errors will be printed on the console.

Display information messages in a dialog

If set the information messages will be displayed in a separate dialog, if unset the information messages will be printed on the console.

Maximum errors to display

The maximum number of errors to return on one evaluation (MaxErrors). If you set this to 0 then all errors are always returned. Usually if some loop causes many errors, then it is unlikely that you will be able to make sense out of more than a few of these, so seeing a long list of errors is usually not helpful.

In addition to these preferences, there are some preferences that can only be changed by setting them in the workspace console. For others that may affect the output see the Section called Parameters in the Chapter called List of GEL functions.


The base that will be used to output integers


A string, can be "normal", "latex", "mathml" or "troff" and it will affect how matrices (and perhaps other stuff) is printed, useful for pasting into documents. Normal style is the default human readable printing style of Genius Mathematics Tool. The other styles are for typsetting in LaTeX, MathML (XML), or in Troff.